With diode bridge as supply front end, this is the lowest cost front end solution. But poor power factor & harmonic's.
While a 2Q drive as supply front end, this is the middle cost front end solution, this system can provide the supply voltage & pre-charge. But does not provide good power factor and creates harmonic distortion.
3-Phase 4Q DC Drive, simple & reliable and medium cost & provides line regeneration but requires a step-up transformer, but poor power factor and harmonics.
ACTIVE FRONT END (AFE) AC800, reliable and provides 1.0 power factor and zero harmonic's. Provides line regeneration. Higer cost but will pay back to end customer on power cost savings.
AC Drives have two major issues:
1. Difficulty handling Regenerative Loads
2. Creation of Harmonics back to AC Power Line
ETD AFE Drives solve both problems!
The ETD 4Q AC Drive ensures that input current is always in phase with voltage, regardless of motor speed and load.
- Sugar
- Chemical
- Pharmaceutical
• Test Stands
- Chassis Dynamometers